Cry Me a Ballsack

Jun 07, 2004 11:36

minus the unneeded drama, this weekend can be summed up with three words; DECK.AS.FUCK.

if i could list of all the people that i had fun w/ this weekend, the list would hit mr. moon in the jaw. so naturally, im not going to do that cause mr moon r00lz.

im gonna miss all of you, especially G.Lo, TC, Kate Moshinsale, and Mista Tweel. oh and artem and kellen.

an extra special thanks to TC ( for housing me and being the best friend a bro could ever have ), and hanna ( for making a good portion of my weekend an incredibly memorable one ).

if all of you, being the lincoln people i enjoy, could come up to the big CR in july, i would probably shit my pants, the trick would be housing all of you;). the nice part about this would be alcohol, shows, NO FUCKING DRAMA, and, well it is eastern iowa for christs sake, MOSH.
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