(no subject)

Mar 01, 2004 18:03

rain rain GO AWAY.
come again another day.

today was kinda bleh. alot of bleh things happened.
1. FIRST THING THIS MORNING THERES ALREADY DRAMA. cut the crap we're in 9th grade, everybody just SHUT UP.
2. People saying i said "so & so" & other people claiming i said "so & so." believe me, kids, i know what i said, & im not gonna lie to ur face. i promise.
3. Mr. Shulton. AHHHHH!! that man makes me angry, hes like a mr. hall/mr. harrison, doesn't wanna hear what ANYONE ELSE has to say. close minded people SUCK.
4. oh, i got a perfect on my math quiz, throw a party, why don't chya.
5. um, lunch was not so good. c'mon people, lets use our brains, thats what god made them for. ugh. (& ashley, yes i know u apologized, im just saying)
6. my fucking p.e. pants split in p.e. today. it was funny. i will admit it. but i found out it wasn't really my fault, ms. boucher said the pants were bad to begin with.
7. im gonna burn who ever thought of the Spanish language. (& yes, im quite aware that the english language came from spanish, so please nobody post anonymous harping on me about it. i just don't get spanish. THANK YOU)

/// the only highlight of my day was detention, yes DETENTION. some girl had her head on the desk & was moving in circles & mrs. matthews says "this place is like a mental hospital." .. gee whiz, i almost peed myself.

besides the above...

heres to name a few:

-- i do not understand why you try to attract so much attention. what you did, is pushing it. im kinda discusted. its one thing to talk about it, but to actually DO it. & expose it to the whollle world, thats taking it to another level. i don't understand where ur brain is these days, & why ur not talking to me about it. i thought we were friends, & as friends, your supposed to tell me things.

-- im really sick of people who are all talk & no do. meaning i can't stand people who constantly tell me one thing & do the COMPLETE oppisite. WHAT IS THAT!! im reallllly starting to learn quickly that all the things u say are just pure bull shit. try backing up what u say with some actions & maybe i'll start to actually believe you & perhaps listen to you.

ugh. god damnit. i just realized i do alot of the above, please, u won't hurt my feelings, save me time & energy & tell me when i piss u off. i hate when people are too nice to me.
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