quote: so appreciate the good times. don't take the worst for granted, because, you only get so many second chances.
karina & i
so, school was alright. after all that loud ass rain last nite, i didn't get very much sleep. :/. i thought today would be more dramatic worse than it really was. PE started out alright,YES MY TEAM DID IN FACT WIN THE CHAMPIONSHIPS IN SOCCER. i got to play on "all stars" [thats not saying much, considering its girls p.e.] but, yeah, i kicked ass.
um, im pretty sure mrs. hickey hates my 7th period class. she hates that we don't "participate" & that we're "not excited to learn about Hebrew Scriptures." im sorry mrs. hickey, find me someone who IS interested in HS & then maybe i'll think about trying :).
belinda & i
Lunch, uhm.. dane FINALLY gave me my effing buck back, actually, he threw it at me. ass. & well, karina & i took some AMAZINGLY HOTT pics of us.
alex: [sees hot blonde guy walk into auditorium] *starts to stare* "ohhhhhhhhhh wow."
you really had to be there
tomorrow Belinda & I are spending the nite at Karinas. should be fun.
& does anyone wanna take me/go with me paintballing??
i wanna go.
<3: zeidman