Jeffrey! Haha, I hope you enjoyed all of our voice mail messages that we left you.. And, by the way, if that ever starts to get annoying.. Please tell us, so we do not continue this obscene behavior. Anyway, I hope you have fun shooting. Kill me some game, bizatch!
Re: SEDUCTION!!thexfireinsidexNovember 20 2004, 20:26:47 UTC
Oh, yes! i shot an AR 15 today, again, but with 223 rounds instead of the pussy little .22 conversion, holy crap that was tight. but i've never shot game, thats what kyle's up to. literally, up. as in up a tree. i love to hear from you guys! never stop! lol, and the dirtier the better, haha! its like 20 after 11 now, but since you guys called me at like 1, i'ma call you, hopefully i wont get anyone in trouble! haha! bye!
rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....but you can't rape the willing.. can you..?....deathbec0mesherNovember 21 2004, 08:31:00 UTC
Yeah.. if it gets annoying... uh.. we'll do it more.. to spite you.. muah hah! Yeah, totally hung up on the hottie in the hot tub! Curses! Oh well... you guys rock my world.. go kill some woodland creatures and make mama proud.
hah! oh yeah! jeff, you need to kill something so you can get blood smeared on your face like all the COOL kids. uh huh.
Re: rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....but you can't rape the willing.. can you..?....thexfireinsidexNovember 21 2004, 09:20:45 UTC
why didn't you call me back?!?!??!?! i was in the middle of playing Halo 2 at a friends house and i couldn't call you back or i'd die,but i coulda picked it up and talked to you if you'd called back! it just cut out on us cuz my phone does that! lol, i wanted to talk to you! i even stayed up extra late with my cell ringer on just in case you lfet me messages so i could pick up and talk to you or boughbe or anyone! darnit!
Re: rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....but you can't rape the willing.. can you..?....cuttingmywordsNovember 21 2004, 19:04:52 UTC
Are you serious!? We would have called you back, but we figured that you would call US back.. Then, when we realized that you most likely weren't going to, we just figured your phone went dead or something. Ah, poo.. Oh well, there will be other nights.. YEAH THERE WILL!!
::huddles in corner.. looks around with a devilish grin.. and begins to take notes on future conversations with Jeff Jeff::
Re: SEDUCTION!!cuttingmywordsNovember 21 2004, 18:57:52 UTC
Haha, sure thing, dude.. We shall never stop! I kinda want to call you now.. But no! I shall resist. You may say you like it, but I would feel bad if I interrupted you while you were busy. Hopefully you'll get online tonight.. But, yeah.. You can call me anytime. I'm always here. I'll talk to you later, babe! Bah!
... I'll talk to you later, Boo!
hah! oh yeah! jeff, you need to kill something so you can get blood smeared on your face like all the COOL kids. uh huh.
RAPE ME! i'm willingly unwilling!
i win!
::huddles in corner.. looks around with a devilish grin.. and begins to take notes on future conversations with Jeff Jeff::
~Your German Lova!! ;)
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