Dec 21, 2012 22:03
After 3 weeks of nothing but issues with our ISP's offshoot company, TSA, which is supposed to handle all new connections (Long story short they didn't bother processing our order for 2 weeks so we got pissed and went straight to the parent company who had it all set up in an hour and the modem arrived today).
Sadly my desktop doesn't have a wireless network card in it (which I've ordered and probably won't arrive till around New Years' because my uncle is out camping until then) so I can't enjoy the internet on my brand new 23" monitor (old one didn't like the move north and this one is an LG Flatron valued at $219 which I got for $140 - total steal) until it arrives. So i'm making do with my netbook and ipad to access my internetty goodness.
I'll take and post pictures of my new room (ooooh! New Ikea desk and everything!) soonish. Once I find my camera... I still can't find a lot of things even though I'm fully unpacked.