Sep 04, 2009 20:55
I, have had one of 'those' days. Again. I wonder how many of the damn things I'll have.
I worked today, while it's not uncommon for Lurl to ask me to work on a friday, this week's circumstances are unusual. I haven't said anything here, but last Saturday Lurl's brother passed away. Glenn had a series of bad strokes about 2 days after Garma's heart attack. His death wasn't unexpected, so I was asked if i would swap my usual day off (friday) for thursday when the funeral was being held. I did so gladly.
Anyway, back story covered. Last night I go to bed at my usual work bed-time (9-9:30-ish) but I spend all night tossing and turning. So i get like 2 hours of sleep and my sinuses are clogged up like Bolivia's sewerage system (I suspect I may have hay fever, something I've never had before). I get to work and discover badly parked taxi's and utes in my usual parking space so I reverse so I can pull up beside the Fun Floss truck and because of the lack of sleep, sinuses, general annoyance, the Magna's lack of turning circle and my blind spot, I reverse in to the frakking wall and break the right tail light.
Frakking great. Tail lights are bloody expensive to replace, and the front and rear of the magna is designed to crumple so the boot's out of shape. Fortunately it doesn't look so bad, and the tail light cover is the only damaged bit. All the bulbs still work, but the damn thing is pretty much unroadworthy until dad can bash it out and glue back in the broken bits or replace the cover altogether, which means phoning all the wreckers in the area to see if they have the part.
Grah! So tired and achy... and sneezy