my weekend

May 23, 2006 13:15

weekend was overall good. thought it was going to suck. mom and dad went out of town, i don't like that. i hate being alone. i felt like someone was going to get me. at least mom changed all the batteries in the nightlights around the halls and my room. awww i wuv mommy! so at least i didn't get too scared. one night it was soo awful, something kept freaking me out, i had to change my underwear 4 times that day :(. saturday was kinda cool, hung out with kim, shopped cuz its my addiction. got MANICURES! I could of gone for a pedicure too, my toes got some funk lemme tell ya...that night i went over to kim's house. i was under the impression that we were going to play star wars monopoly, but instead we played yahtzee. even though they pulled a fast one on me like that, since i was under the impression we were going to monopolize some shit, i didn't lose my cool. i would of much rather collected go, got my deathstar & millenium falcon, and vaporize some storm troopers. yahtzee is ok in my book though. at least adam brought over eric, he is the cutest kid ever! sometimes i wish i had a little guy in my life. can you help me out with that guys ;)?

sunday was kinda relaxed. did a little shopping with adam and eric. something had to be bought, i got a sweet new hoodie. looks bangin! got some red robin later, good stuff. then russell and i saw divinci's code. well...more like russell saw divinci's code by himself. i didn't see but 13 minutes or so of it then fell asleep til the end! i was kinda pissed off at myself, but then i got a plan. i asked the dude at the window for my money back since i fell asleep. i didn't try to say anything about it sucking, b/c to be honest how would i know? dude said no so i told him i had a tent in my car and i'll camp out here until my $10 is in my hands. he didn't believe me. i sadly settled with defeat, but definitely told him to go get fucked by this construction cone that was right near me. hah. dude looked furious!

my victoria day was wonderful. slept most. chillaxed most too. adam and i went to bree and motors new place. thought they needed a house warming present so we brought them a picture of tupac. that was my idea! adam got eric later and he played air guitar all day when we were downtown. in stores, everywhere we went. he is the next slash. then i peaced and went home. it was a pretty terrific holiday BACKED! work blows. i want tims. i can't wait for thursday :). ice cream date!! right now i can't wait for the day surrey tax centre burns down. i want a new kitty.

oh yeah i got drunk on sunday:

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