On Vox: Shaking some things out of my head

Jan 19, 2008 01:26

I cannot figure out why on this instance of Firefox on this computer (Claire--home desktop) I cannot comment on other people's blogs.

Monday is MLK Day. There is no parking meter enforcement in the City of Seattle that day.

@Crom74: Toilets are easy. One of my hidden talents is the ability to fix a toilet no matter how inebriated I am. I'm sure sober you can figure it out.

I am still thinking about Cloverfield. I cannot yet find a script online to read to find out what I missed, but I hope to have some time tomorrow to dig around. Once I know that I will probably write an essay about my thoughts on it. However, if you need another reason to go see it, and are not like me and get ill during such films, then I submit to you the Hellboy II trailer.

NEW (HD) Hellboy II The Golden Army Trailer Movie - 2 Two

While I was preparing things to potentially write about tonight, I came across The Cranking Widgets Blog post about people hacking their GTD systems. It echoes some of my problems recently with switching from Thinking Rock to MonkeyGTD, and how I went from loving mGTD to hating it. The problem isn't so much the mGTD software as the fact that I have bloated it with random thoughts and KC project notes that it runs poorly on even the fastest computers. The switch was important because it gave me a chance to do a thorough review of all my junk.

But if mGTD cannot run properly on my fastest computer, imagine what it is like on my poor, aging Celia. On my first flight I discovered how inaccessible all my GTD functions now were. Thus, for my trip back East I found it expedient to resort to a nearly all-paper day-to-day GTD list. It worked so well I have begun using it every day. I still plan to use mGTD for weekly updates, tracking projects, and most importantly my rewards system.

One of my personal hacks to the GTD system is to give every action a reward. It is currently a sloppy system, but for now it works to keep me from binge shopping. If I want something that I do not absolutely need, I list it as a reward item and have to meet one or more requirements before allowing myself to buy that item. I have also made a game out of my savings account, which I will talk about another night.

Originally posted on thewulf.vox.com
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