Hello, Internet! I read a couple of terrible books as well as several that I liked. In an attempt to whittle down my backlog of book reviews some, have a post. Books I disliked: ( The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club )
Don't let anyone talk you into giving Notaro another chance. I liked the idiot girls' guide, and think that was the strongest of her books. The next three or four are largely repeats of that, only with her getting older and having more responsibility, and still doing the same general things.
Heh. Thanks for the confirmation. I was pretty sure I was done there... mostly I took it as an indication that that lady and I do not have compatible tastes in books or entertainment.
Cool! I do not read nearly as much traditional fiction as my ego tells me I should, but I love reading the book reviews of others, and I *have* read The Long Hidden. I heartily endorse your assessment of it on all points.
I love reading other peoples' book reviews too. [grin] I have at least this many books still in the to-review queue, so we'll see if I get my act together and write another post this week to clear it out before I go on travel and read many many more during my zillion hours on airplanes. Heh. But it's a labor of love.
Yeah, I was torn between not wanting to feel super judgmental and feeling like she could totally have, you know, not done those things and been happier thereby. But she's the judge of that, not me. But I don't want to read about it.
Hi - I followed you home from weegoddess's comments, and I couldn't resist telling you how glad I am not to be the only person in the world who didn't love A Princess of Roumania!
Comments 8
Ahahahaha. I too have had that book experience. How unfortunate.
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