Disclaimer: I absolutely and totally completely fail to the extreme and I forgot about this community and just kinda let it fade into inactivity.
But! Since everyone's favorite writing event of the year is approaching (...sort of. Still kinda early), I figured I'd post for the heack of it.
Who is planning on participating in NaNoWriMo this year
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Holy crap. O.O I can't even imagine going through all that (especially the 31 hospitalizations, ugh, but everything else is awful, too) in one year. I was in the hospital in March of 2011 to have a tumor near my aorta removed (that ended up being benign), and then I ended up back in the hospital two days after I was released because there was a build up of fluid that made me SUPER sick to my stomach (which does NOT feel good when you have a fairly new incision on your stomach). That was only an overnight visit, though. I can't imagine being stuck there 31 times. O.O /also cool story bro
Oh wow. That's a loooong time ago then! XD I think this is my second account, too, but I renamed it. It was originally AWritersFantasy, but I changed it to this one like...two years ago? A year and a half? Something like that. I think the first one was like...jedidanielle or something. I can't even remember.
I was even doing a Remus/Sirius letter project but alas, the friend had to bow out after a year because of school/other obligations and it sucks a little. I MISS WRITING SO MUCH, ESPECIALLY RP LETTERS. So much fun.
Ngl, I can't stand when people disappear. Being one with BPD, I tend to have a habit of shying away but if I were in an RP or something with someone, I'd at least let them know "hey I need a few days/weeks alone before I can really focus" and not just ~poofbegone - I'd feel too bad about it, haha. I'm not in school, cannot afford to be and am not healthy enough to be, either, so it's like, everyone's starting school and I'm twiddling my thumbs all ~tralalala might as well game, ~tralala bored now.
I like to look at it as my future memoir will have a whole bit dedicated to hospital trips and I'll scan in my impressive collection of hospital ID bracelets, haha. Thankfully yer tumor was benign; ugh, I would've been terrified as hell and dlhfslkhfsl that sounds like when I was put on antibiotics this year for my third bout of walking pneumonia, and it reacted with the stomach ulcer bacteria and BAM 6" distention in the stomach and right back to the hospital where the lovely ER doctor was like "so we're going to make sure your stomach doesn't tear on you" and I'm all O.O I'M 26 WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN. I swear, something in the air is making young people sicker than the old people, what gives?!
I forget my first account name - it was something cool, then something BtVS related and then renamed to what it is now. I still have a slew of Early Adopter accounts I use for various things though, haha. /blogginggeekomg I like yer name though - I think I've seen you in the "official" Nanowrimo word war chat room that runs each year.. I swear I did, anyway. I COULD BE WRONG.
Also, hello fellow nighthawk? Or are you in an entirely different timezone than me? *creeps yer LJ profile*
Oooh, I see. Yeah, I can definitely imagine how it would help her to pass the time while stuck there.
Yeah, people disappearing is definitely my least favorite part of running a role play. It's really frustrating. There isn't a good time of year for role playing, because if it's not school and/or work it's just being busy with summer/holidays/being social, but ugh. If you're going to commit to a role play, unless it's something super important, you shouldn't just disappear on people without a word if you can help it. :| I have one player who actually recently just posted that she's leaving the board, but like...she was a member for almost a year. She and her friend actually joined the same night, but the friend got super busy and never made much of an effort to really participate. The member stayed, but barely ever came into the cbox/made much of an effort to -really- be part of the role play...mainly because she had this weird thing about only posting with like one or two other people in a thread (...which sucked, because site events involve more than one or two other people, so she wouldn't participate) and she also pre-wrote her posts. And then she actually got kind of mad because we don't take turns with posting (because that just takes forever if you have to rely on someone to post when it's their specific turn), so there was one time where her pre-written post got screwed up because someone else posted "out of order." So she's been pretty sporadic because of school and such, and then I sent out an email saying we were doing an activity check, and she posted saying she was leaving and that our requirements (posting ICly a minimum of once a week?) were too high or something for her. Part of me was pissed because I lost a member, but I also am not all that upset, because...well, she really only did one-on-one role plays at best, maybe with three people total, and she never really got to contribute much in terms of role play.
...sorry, that was really long and rambly. XD
Yeah, I think the possibility of having an abscess (they kept me overnight 'cause they wanted to do a cat scan* and see what it was) was ALMOST just as scary as finding out I had the tumor and then actually having the surgery.
*I couldn't even keep water down, and one of the nurses got bitchy with me when I threw the nasty cat scan stuff up (which, even when I DON'T have a build up of fluid making me sick, I can't keep myself from wanting to gag) and was like "you can't the cat scan until you drink it" in a really bitchy voice. I had to take this other stuff instead, which there was actually MORE of than there would have been of the other chalky stuff for me to drink.
O.O Holy crap, that's scary. I would have been freaking the hell out.
Haha, yeah, I am a nighthawk. XD I think I was replying at like 12/1 AM or something the other night, I dunno. But it's 1:11 AM here and I'm in the EST time zone.
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