Dec 31, 2006 02:01
I can't sleep, no matter how tired I am. I'm sort of... preocupied, in my thoughts, I suppose.
Also, if I don't post another entry before tomorrow then have a brilliant 2007. I hope it's as great as this year was, and that I grow as much or more as a person than I did over the past 365 days.
Although, this doesn't feel like a new year. It feels like the middle. I still measure years by school years and summers. Like last summer. Best summer of my life. I got to hang out and go fountain swimming with three of my best friends (only two for most of the summer but AK came down for a few days.) and just in general goofing off with people I care about.
I really hope that this next summer is like that. I know it can never be exactly the same as last summer but it can be better if I want it to. And I do. I hope to get to know everyone around me even more, and discover things about myself that I never knew before.
Alright, I suppose it's time for New Year's Resolutions, hm?
1. Eat better. Healthier, not so much fast food, more greens, and just less in general.
2. Exersise. Isn't that everyone's resolution? Well I mean it. I'm thinking about signing up at the YMCA, because it's easy to get to by bus. And, at only $20 a month, it's pretty afordable, and they have a pool which hopefuly isn't all gross and salty like Courthouse's pool. I want to go at least three times a week for no less than an hour (not counting things like changing/showering time in that).
3. Write a novel worth publishing. Yes, I'm doing NaNoWriMo next year, too, but I want to write a novel that I can edit and send off to publishers. One of my long-term goals is to be published outside of highschool. I still want that, a lot.
4. Get a job. This one might have to wait until summer, however. I'm not sure if I can do well in school at all, let alone with a job to keep up with as well.
I think that's enough.... If not, then meh. I'm tired, yet can't sleep and my thoughts are... wound up.
Goodbye until next year!