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Jan 18, 2008 02:42

oi. where the hell do i start? lets see....i left off when we were planning on going to vegas. well, we did. and it was awesome! we had such an amazing time, and i won 180 dollars on a penny slot! we got drunk, and had the best time. we stayed at john's apartment until christmas, and were planning on going back home that night (me to stay the night at my dads so i could see lauren) but when we got there we got some very bad news and decided to not stick around and headed back to johns until the thursday before new years and then went home the next day until the wednesday after new years. christmas was great! we wentn to randy's mothers house and spent it with his family. devon was there and it was really good seeing him. he's grown up a lot and he seems to have his mind straight. even if he does smoke weed and dance on street corners for fun. it was nice seing bobbie reecie and corinthia too. staying at johns was really nice too, despite the fact that there was no electricity. it was nice having the privacy and the ability to make love whenever we felt. but the feeling of consistency and relaxation had to end sometime, didn't it folks?

what is the bad news we received? you ask...well on christmas night when i walked in the door, marie tells me she has some bad news for us. "oh lord, i think...what is it?" but i show that i'm not worried and i say "oh no, what is it?" and she said that while we were gone, her landlord came because he was going to look at the house so he could possibly sale it and the neighbors told him about us living there, and he got upset and told marie that he rented the house to her, the old lady she takes care of, and her son (peeper) and that "for some reason he just looooooves tabby so he let her and chad move in and that he said we had to be out by the first of the year (a week from then), but she told him that we needed some time. she didn't tell me any specific date so we were just sort of like "ok...but we have time...we can work something out" because randy was lined up for a job at the suicide hotline and we thought we'd be able to stay until we could get a place because she's not like that. but then after thinking about what she had said about the neighbors and what not and it all seems a little fishy to me:

1. the neighbors house isn't even owned by him-so they would have no idea that he was landlord and they would have no reason to be speaking to them

2. the night/morning we were going to johns house (like 3am) to head to vegas randy turned over because he heard someone nearby and he saw marie take cigarettes out of our cigarette pack and our lighter and then when randy started to move a little she ran out of the room and then a couple minutes later snuck back to put the cigarette pack where it was, and randy got upset because she was stealing our cigarettes, and so the next morning he told me that he wasn't going to give marie any cigarettes because she had already taken three and he was going to act like he was mad at me to see if she would just at least admit to it, because i was very adamant that she would say something about it to us, so i agreed to this test because i thought it'd be right. he did a good job at pretending to be upset with me, and she asked me what was wrong with him. i told her he was mad at me because he thought i had smoked 3 cigarettes out of the pack while he was sleping and i didn't but he didn't believe me. and she just said "oh..heh.heh". that really upset me because instead of saying something then about taking them, it would have been fine. if she had said anything at all it would have been respectful. so then later, she has the nerve to ask randy for a cigarette and he said no, because we have to save them and i smoked 3 while he was sleeping and we don't have money to buy anymore. she was like "oh. okay" and then as soon as randy left she goes "he must really be mad, he wouldn't even give me a cigarette. and i was just thinking "oh my god, duh, lady!" and then like...after she went to the store she tells me that next time he asks to play video games she's going to say no, she has to save electrcity. because he wouldn't give her a cigarette even though she had already taken 3. oh! and also! she had taken randy's white lighter and she never put it back, so i asked her if she had seen it and she was like "no, the last time i saw it was when it was right here" and she pointed at the arm of the couch. i said ok and went back outside with randy. it got too cold and he was wanting to stay out there on the phone and split a cigarette so i grabbed my sweater and while i was zipping it up outside, i put my hands in my pockets (the very same pockets i had put my hands in 15 minutes ago) and there was his lighter-magically-right there. in my pocket. so that solidified it, i was very upset. even though she knows nothing would even happen nobody would be mad if she had just said that she took them she decided to frame me and keep randy "mad at me"
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