Aug 23, 2006 21:20
If my relationship with LiveJournal behaved anything like human relationships, LJ would have left me high and dry long ago on account of my frequent and unpredictable absences.
Which is probably more than I can say for my former readers.
Hello? Are you still there?
Well, if you are then no need to worry. If not, then you have even less reason to worry. All the same, I am alive and well on all accounts. In the dust behind me is a summer of fun and fulfillment that I am pretty happy to look back on.
There was a two week volunteer project in Ecuador, which really shaped my perspectives on the intrinsic value of simple lifestyles divorced from the confines of our corporate world. During our stay in the coastal village ofLas Tunas, we enjoyed the beaches lining the Pacific ocean, the simple pleasures of village life, and the uninhibited kindness and affections of the locals. Through a combination of broken Spanish (INFINITIVES ONLY), French words with a Spanishifying syllable at the end (like "oh"), and the occasional interpretive dance, I made some lasting connections with the locals there that I think only a language barrier can uniquely produce. Our group of nineteen from Western continue to keep in touch, and it is one of those things that I can't imagine not having done.
Not a moment after my return did I head back to Western for a six week International Politics course which was everything that a course on the subject should be. Two research papers and two essay exams later, and I emerge not only richer for the experience, but with (sadly) the ONLY mark above 80% of my entire University career. Who blows? Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. But an 88% got me in the self-motivating groove I need to keep my shizzle in order and get into bloody Law School.
Here's hoping, please keep all fingers, toes and other appendages crossed fo' me.
So after that, two weeks of chillage and some irresponsible behaviour, back to the academic grind - except this time of a different sort. To all my fellow music nerdies, I'm sure you will all unanimously cringe when I tell you that I took all the Grd. 4 theories at the same time, in a row. Those are all done - I learned a lot, and got to enjoy three weeks of thick Russian accent.
By mid-August, I finally had something resembling a summer at my disposal. Not missing a beat, I have since taken full advantage of what I consider to be unrestricted chill time. Plenty of time with Tiff is good for the heart, time with homies (though sadly not all of them) is good for the soul but often bad for the liver, and time with books is good for the brain.
Back to school on Aug. 29th, an early start to get ready for O-Week! Having a bunch of frosh to work with all year is gonna be real good.
Last but not least, it's almost time for me to stop abregating my moral responsibilities and start taking them more seriously.
Why? Nope, no epiphany, just the sheer fact that I am turning 20 (!!! omgz) on Aug. 25th. By virtue of numbers, I apparently have an age that I'm supposed to be acting to now. Here we go.
See you all real soon, hopefully before we all get back to the grind.