Dec 19, 2006 19:01
Yeah. So it's been a looong....looong....LONG time since my last post.
Things are excellent with my lady. I love her to death. And someone (who knows who they are) finally approves. 'Bout time, if you ask me.
SO today was auditions for the spring musical at WHS, "Thoroughly Modern Mille." For auditions, I sang "What Do I Need With Love?", a song sung by a lead named Jimmy. I think I did good. It is in a higher range than I thought I could sing, but I think I did pretty good today. I ended up getting callled back for that role, and another lead named Mr. Graydon. Sam sang a song from that character. Call-backs are tomorrow, and I am supposed to sing the same song. PRETTY SWEET! Just hope I can hit the notes again tomorrow... I won't get my hopes up, though, about the role. Sam and I are kind of expecting to get the role of these Chinese twins in the musical. Come on: where else are you going to find twins going out for the musical that have marginal singing abilities?
TW4Y is back up and running. New songs. Good stuff.
Track season stared. Last week was our first meet, and I ended up running a 5:24 in the 1600 meters (the 1 mile.) I know I can run a LOT faster than that. I WILL, too. Just wait and see.
Can't wait for Christmas break...