Sep 24, 2007 08:05
Robert White
"This I Believe" Essay
Eng. 101 Sec. 07
Four years ago, a part of my life changed; guitar came into my life. Starting off, it was hard; it is not something I just picked up and was good at. Guitar takes practice and practice makes perfect, but even then, practicing wrong can lead to imperfection. Guitar is like life, where if you aren't willing to work hard then you won't get anywhere. It was about setting goals, reaching, and through hard work and perseverance, attaining those goals. I had to keep everything interesting, the same routine can lead me to burnout and just get sick of guitar all together; I always got better and better, and still do until this very day. I never give up, I don't compete with others, I do it for myself. If I did everything for everyone else, I'd never be truly happy with what I have and what I could do, cause I'm just trying to beat someone, guitar isn't a competition and neither is life.
Guitar and life are also education processes, I don't remember learning to speak English, but somehow I can and use it to write every word you are reading right now. Guitar is the same thing, every note you play is like a word, and little runs and phrases are like sentences; I like to make my guitar say things that are very hard to say, word like, "I love you" are very hard things to express without words, but when you feel it, you know it's there. Playing guitar is like education, you have to lay down the foundation, then started building the building. I had to build the building right, or else it will fall apart and you have to start all over again, believe me, I've had to start over again a whole bunch of times to get things right.
Guitar is a place to express all sorts of emotions, anger, sadness, happiness and love are common emotions we all feel, I know I feel them, and I'm sure you have at one point or another. Learned to express emotions through writing songs and just thinking of fancy ways of articulating and phrasing that usually get the message to the audience. Music by itself without words can channel to each person differently, making them feel and interpret the song in their own way, where as with lyrics, you have to play with words. Playing guitar, for me, is like telling a story, it can be a story of death, rebirth, love, or hate, it doesn't matter, but making the audience feel the same way I do when I play is what's important. Happiness is the key to success, and I'm happy with myself as a guitar player and, more importantly, as a person. You should be happy with yourself, in your shining moments and in your most shameful times, be proud of who you are and what you do, always.