Aug 20, 2004 11:14
ok,my journal cannot be a tool for others to insult or even communicate. That is not what this is for. This is simply for people who feel the need to have an update on what is going on in my life and so at one point in time I can come back here and see what I was doing and felt.Last night I stayed at Kevin DeBlasios house. I had no plans of staying but we stayed up real late so it just kind of happened. We were watching Sleepaway Camp 3 and the production of # 4 which never made it to the screen or was never even finished actually. After that we watched some episodes of the tv show Wonder Woman. Man, that show was pretty cool and had to be so empowering and revolutionary for its time. I mean this womyn is doing things men can only dream of and doing it all with style and she is also pretty. Has an alternate identity and all that shit. Found out everyone talks massive shit behind my back here in these suburbs for being an ex-junkie. I will fucking smash them when I feel like it. I found out that a Sleeping Beauty is actually pic taken of dead children during Victorian Times. Did you know that? I realize how unhappy kevin is and he is trying to fill it with material possessions and damn man that sucks. While we were talking about movies, I mentioned how original and awesome Jeepers Creepers is , especially in the horror genre and he replied with something about the sequel being better and having better effects which is just fucking ridiculous in my opinion so I told him and then went on to say that if that is what he really felt then he was the only mutha on earth to feel that way. His reply," Nu-uh, Daniel Lewis said the same thing in the Richmond Times Dispatch!" WTF!! Ok, so a man in a position of power (the media) says it and so you just believe it blindly w/o even thinking it for yourself. That has to be a shitty feeling yet I know this feeling and have observed this with many people over the years and have abandoned them for this very reason.Fuck that!write more in a little while.