(no subject)

Apr 03, 2009 04:52


cut, cut, cut, myself in ten thousand pieces to make ribbons to wrap your hair in.
tie me in bows, tie me in knots, just tie me.
tie me to you.
feel my blood dribble down your back as my hands once did in romantic fashions.
youth is a cold callused wound on the vains of our stories.
read, read, read the journals of past ages like a novel from thousands of years ago.
and take the lessons learned and write a new book of happiness.
one in wich all characters find happy endings and no one dies.
feel the hope as it runs from your finger tips to the pen.
does it tingle?
can you feel it at all?
purhaps the excitment of playing god?
does that pleasure you?
of course it does.
every person wants to be holier, greater and the best.
but we are all set on the same limits of what a "Human" is and can be.
but make the best of it.
change what you can.
but you are no god.
so tie me up in your hair, at least then i've changed for the better.
and you made that so.
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