(no subject)

Jan 09, 2012 19:05

Fallen off the LJ bandwagon again. *sigh*

I'm currently sitting on hold for the IRS. Going on 15 mins now. They're currently garnishing Jon's paycheck for back taxes, but with all of the deductions coming out of his check, it's left us with $300. His next check, the full amount of the health insurance will be deducted, so we'll be down to about $100 from his paycheck. I'm not sure how they can do this and think we can survive. I'm technically "self-employed" and they're very aware of this (hence the back taxes we owe). I'm hoping that I can set up a payment plan, and get them to stop the garnishment, otherwise we're going to be in a world of hurt. MUCH worse than before, because we HAVE to pay rent otherwise we'll be on the street.

Because of the garnishment and over spending a bit at Christmas, we ended up with $0 last week and unfortunately we didn't have any real food in the house. We ran out of bread, milk, and any sort of meat. We had to go down to eating 1 meal a day, and that consisted of a can of baked beans one night, mash potatoes another night, and the very last of the spaghetti. It was horrible, and terribly embarrassing. We also had just about 0 gas in the car, and thank goodness Jon only works 2 miles away.

Jon got paid Friday, so we were able to get some groceries and some real food. Of course, the lack of food in my system completely threw my body for a loop. And when I finally did eat Friday afternoon, I've been feeling pretty horrible since. I think my body is slowly adjusting back to normal tho.
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