Poison Ivy update!

Apr 13, 2009 01:30

I’ve been refraining from updating (ie whining) for the last several days because I know it can become tiresome.

On that note, I have great news!  My body is finally starting to do some battling and is fighting back.  Of course this is only because I headed back to the Dr on Friday.  It had been 3 days since I was off of the Pred and things started to flair back up and it continued to spread up my left arm and on to my bicep on my right arm where I didn’t previously have ANY spots.  The Dr was quite amazed that it was still spreading, so much so that he had another Dr come in and take a look at it too.  He was just as amazed, as was I!

I’m now on a 12 day course of Pred, in a much higher dosage.  So the first 4 days I’m taking 6 pills/day, then days 5-8 I’m taking 4 pills/day, then days 9-12 I go to 2 pills/day.  Finally finished the antibiotic today, so that’s 2 less pills/day to worry about now.

I’m already seeing a noticeable difference.  The first and foremost, the itch is almost completely gone.  Thank goodness!  The itch alone was driving me ape shit.  It still tickles here and there, but nothing compared to what it was.  The second noticeable thing is that the color has really faded.  Instead of being purple/maroon it’s now down to a light pink.  Definitely not gone and still a bit noticeable, but much better.  I’m starting to feel a bit better too, tho I’m still having issues with wanting to sleep all the time.  The Pred is suppose to screw with your sleeping, as in not being able to sleep, but I’m having the exact opposite problem.  So I’m not sure if it’s the Pred or I’m still exhausted from all of those sleepless nights when I was up in pain and itching.

Of course, now I’m all paranoid when Jon goes outside.  He cut the grass this afternoon and when he came in I made him strip, throw his clothes in the wash, wipe down the door handles and his shoes with Clorox wipes and take a shower.  I’m not chancing getting this crap again!  And I think once I’m finally and completely over this stuff, I’ll be doing the same thing every time I cut the grass or do yard work.  This has been the worst 3 weeks of my life.  I’m thankful I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel tho!

Originally published at www.theworldofhelen.com. Please leave any comments there.

yard work, me, update, health

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