can’t sleep

Mar 28, 2009 06:15

I’m making Jon do all of the yard work from now on.  The pain and the itch are the worst I have ever felt before.  I’m about to go crazy.  The Benadryl is only lasting 3-4 hours, and I can only take 6 doses a day, and the cream is lasting about the same, and I can only apply it 4 times a day.  You do the math.

Every day new spots are showing up.  The Dr. told me it’s not contagious (and I verified that on WebMD), so how in the world is it spreading?!  The only thing I can think of is the bed sheets.  So I changed those last night, and made sure that anything that came in contact with my clothes from the weekend got pitched into the wash.  I also have to wash my sneakers too.

I now have spots on my face, and my neck.   I’ve also drawn some dots on my arm, to keep track of the red splotch that’s radiating out from the 2 scratches.  Just from last night, it’s grown another inch down my arm.  Not a good sign.  It’s not as hot and sore as it has been, but it’s still troubling.  I have to make sure I don’t spike a fever, and I’ll be ok.  I’ve also developed some rash around my wrist, so typing is aggravating it.  Grr.

Ok, enough whining this early in the morning.  Waiting for the Benadryl to kick in so I can get some additional sleep.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

yard work, me, health

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