
Jan 15, 2009 00:05

I took another video of Goose last night, this time of him walking on the treadmill!  We thought we’d try and get him on there, to see if he’d actually do it, and sure enough, after about 4 tries he was walking by himself.  It’s very cute.  I still have to upload it but I’ll post it tomorrow.  Then that will be all of the video’s for a while, I’m sure everyone is getting tired of them.

I decided that I’m going to take the weight loss filter off my webpage because quite frankly, I don’t really talk about it too much and usually have very little to say about it.  So instead of making 2 very small posts a day, I’m going to make 1 big one.

And speaking of which, I’m only down about a pound.  But a pound down is better than gaining one!  I’ve still been taking the exercising slowly as my ankles and knees have been bothering me.  I feel a little bit better tho, digestion wise.  And the meals I’ve been cooking for dinner this week have been pretty good!  Jon’s even liked them. :)  There have been a lot of firsts this week, like cooking acorn squash, and not eating any junk food!  I haven’t had any chocolate this week, except for the chocolate biscotti (which I’m allowed to have) and some sugar free jello pudding.  I’m not really missing it, and I’m not really missing the sugar either.  I’ve started back to drinking water during the day and milk with breakfast and dinner.  Now I just need to increase my intake of water and I’ll be all set.

It’s been really cold here the last couple of days.  Crazy weather.  I really hate this time of year.

I have  a bunch of stuff that I need to get taken care of in the next week, like getting Jack and Peri to the vet for their Lupron.  And of course Monday is a holiday and Tuesday needs to be a holiday with the inauguration and everything.  Heck if I’m going anywhere near the city that day.  I don’t plan on leaving the house!

Alrighty, need to finish some work, then off to bed.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

weight watchers, weather, stuff, cooking, goose, weight loss

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