things are getting more complicated...

Apr 02, 2008 11:39

Jon had his pre-admission testing on Thursday. They took blood and also did an EKG. The neurosurgeons PA called Monday morning and said that Jon needs to see a cardiologist because his EKG was abnormal. Their assistant was suppose to call back with the appt information, but we didn't hear from her. Tuesday, around 12p, she calls and tells Jon he has a 120p appt. Nice notice! So off he went where they did another EKG as well as an ultrasound of his heart. He has a 1p appt today with the cardiologist to go over the results and hopefully get cleared for surgery.

So at this point, we're not sure if he's having surgery tomorrow or not. I'll update with the cardiology results this afternoon when we get back.

jon, health

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