Missy & surgery

Mar 24, 2008 12:51

Took Missy in for her vet appointment this morning and then for an ultrasound. She has a huge mass in her belly that's been steadily growing over the last couple of months. I'm currently sitting at work waiting for them to do the ultrasound. She had a 12p appt, but the u/s tech was running behind. So they're suppose to give me a call when she's done. Dr. said she looks fine otherwise, so hopefully we'll get to the bottom of the mass. Of course it's most likely going to lead to surgery.

Speaking of surgery - T-minus 10 days and counting until Jon's surgery. He has his pre-admission testing on Thursday. No word on his job, which pretty much means that they're getting laid off this time. Sucky.

jon, ferrets, health

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