
Nov 16, 2006 21:10

when was the last time i updated this? i have no idea, and i probably wont do so again for another year. but rules are rules.....

RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog/comment of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.

1. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. Like, whatsoever. All I really want to be is a mom. I have no career ambitions, yet I really want money. Hmm.

2. I have an irrational fear of my mother dying. She's not ill, nor that old, but the concept of her not being here someday scares me so much that I can't breath and I have to force it out of my mind.

3. I am addicted to chapstick. I prefer the lip moisturizer kind, but when in a bind, anything will do. I have to have it with me at all times, especially next to my bed at night. If I don't have it with me I will be anxious and my lips become immediately dry. It's really sad.

4. I have (in the past year) grown a very unhealthy addiction to Harry Potter. The books, not the movies (though the movies are ok). I got the first 5 for Christmas last year. I have since read through all of them (I bought the 6th) 3 times. And once I'm finished I just want to start over again. I seriously don't feel right if I haven't read any Harry Potter every day. It's become really strange and I don't know what my problem is. I secretly wish that there really was a Hogwarts and that I could go there. WTF

5. I am not a person that is meant to be in college. As much as everyone says I need to be in school and said I was idiot for dropping out years ago (thanks), I will never feel right in school. Though I will get my bachelors and I am doing very well in school, I still don't want to be enrolled. I am not meant to be in school, plain and simple. It just doesn't work for me. When I come home from school and work everyday, I want to relax, not do more work. I will never be a person that feels natural going to school. That's just the way I am, and I can't help that.

6. I really really really like tea.

7. I have some clothes in my wardrobe that I wore back in junior high. No joke. I even wear my soccer jersey from FIRST GRADE.

8. I am a naturally lazy person. I never feel like I have enough sleep, I am always tired, and I never feel like working out. Even when i get into a routine of doing so, I am still tired. As much as I like being active and seeing people and going out, I am inherently lazy. If I could have a job for the rest of my life that required me to be at work around 11, I would be happy. I will never be able to do a 9-5. Never. My body just does not adjust to that schedule, well not at least for a period of time longer than like 2 months. I am meant to be up at night. I wish I was more awake during the day because I like the sun, but it's really difficult.

9. Though I want to travel more than anything, I will have no problem settling in or around Norwood. I don't think I'm a townie, but I have no problem with it. My parents are here, a lot of my friends are here, and there are plenty of things to do, plus the city and ocean are very close. It wouldn't bother me at all.

10. I miss drum corps more than I can ever explain. I miss playing the marimba/xylophone etc. I miss being part of something. I miss performing. I miss my friends. I miss being on tour. I miss having no responsibilty aside from knowing my music. Nothing will ever again fill that void. Though it needed to end and I'm in most ways glad it's over, I will most likely never play in that capacity ever again. I will never be as good of a player as I was. That makes me feel a way that I can't describe.

i think everyone is tagged.......?
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