everybody's doin it

Dec 27, 2004 11:29

well, i haven't posted in months, so this is a warm up for a real post.....

what did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?: won a gold medal and a championship ring

did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?: i don't think i made any

did anyone close to you give birth?: yes, Sam Ventura (baby boy Andrew!)

did anyone close to you die?: people that were close to people i'm close with

what would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?: money and a relationship

what date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory?: August 5th & August 7th (winning finals) and November 6th & 7th (saw and met Jimmy Eat World)

what was your biggest achievement of the year?: being a DCI champion and finishing my drum corps career, doing well in school

what was your biggest failure?: hurtnig people without meaning it

did you suffer illness or injury?: well we all know i'm always sick, and i had my first surgery (yay sinuses) which did nothing, and my knees constantly hurt

what was the best thing you bought?: jimmy eat world tickets, my ring (even though my mom paid for it), alcohol

whose behavior merited celebration?: RED SOX BABY, the 2004 Spartans, my friends

whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: anyone who voted for Bush, certain staff members of Spartans who fired people for no good reason (especially fucking Linda), and sometimes boys

where did most of your money go?: school, spartans, gas, alcohol, alochol

what did you get really, really, really excited about?: um, winning a gold medal! duh! and the sox winning the world series of course!

what song[s] will always remind you of 2004?: the mortal combat theme song (aww i miss bus rides) and whatever other songs lance played on the bus

compared to this time last year, are you:
i happier or sadder? i think happier, but it changes
ii. thinner or fatter? probably fatter
iii. richer or poorer? same

what do you wish you'd done more of: relaxing, exercising, had sex

what do you wish you'd done less of?: spending money, crying about stupid stuff, worrying

how will you be spending the holidays?: my house in the morning, my aunts house, and then with the girls

how will you be spending new years?: we're still figuring that out, i know i'll be with jess, probably in a hotel room, but we're not sure

did you fall in love in 2004?: no :(

how many one night stands?: sadly none

what was your favorite TV program?: geez, um, queer as folk, seinfeld (reruns!), CSI, survivor, without a trace, cold case, joan of arcadia, sex and the city

do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?: anyone that i hate ive probably hated for a while, hah

do you like anyone now that you hated this time last year?: i dont think so

what was the best book you read?: i sadly haven't read in forever

what was your greatest musical discovery?: well, i guess that i'm a pretty badass performer, and that when your heart is in it, you can do anything

what did you want and get?: for the billionth time, A RING and GOLD MEDAL

what did you want and not get?: to fall in love

what was your favorite film of this year?: i didn't see that many new movies, but probably eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

what did you do on your birthday?: HAHAHAHA, this is a good one......i hooked up with one of my professors, then i went out with my awesome friends (jess, lance, derek, muchacho), and then eric met up with us.....and then i hooked up with him!!!!! it was a CRAZY DAY...........oh, and i turned 22

what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: knowing what i want to do with my life, being in love, and having financial security

how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?: well duh, i have the best style of anyone in the world, so i would have to say AWESOME

what kept you sane?: my mom, jess, and my drugs, hah

which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: jimmy eat world! and i guess johnny depp and colin farrell

what political issue stirred you the most?: gay marriage and abortion

who did you miss?: a lot of people, but mainly people i marched with that i cant see as often as i'd like

who was the best new person you met?: i have no idea

tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004: always do what's going to make you happy

quote a song lyric that sums up your year: "don't it feel like sunshine afterall?"
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