Jun 02, 2004 22:45
so yeah, im sorry. this live journal thing is lame and im too god damn lazy to update it. i wont even attempt to write down everything thats happened in the past month, just highlights that come to my mind right now.
- i went to umass to see jackie terry and beemer. jackie and terry are wonderful and i love them very much. beemer was lots of fun and he loved jackie and terry and vice versa. good times were had by all (yeah rich peabody).
- spartans has been going ok. we had a huge camp this past weekend. the pit has almost all the music and the rest of the corps has it all. they have mega tons of drill done and the show is looking great. i dont wanna get all hyped, but the show right now kicks ass and im likin it. the pit needs to kick it into gear though, some people need to learn whats up and understand when to stop fooling around and get serious. we can only have fun when we're good, and we aint there yet. but soon. the show will be all done a couple weeks before malden, so thats really good.
- i got another 4.0. yay me.
- lance had a party sunday after the camp. it was good and bad. joe got ridiculously drunk an ive never been so mad at him. i wont say what happened, but it was awful and i never want to be around him drunk again. he apologized and things are fine, but it still sucked. aside from that, it was fun. the next day we went to lances grandfathers house for a cookout. it was nice. it was the usuals, me jess lance muchacho joe, along with donnie and his cousin. i feel really comfortable around them and lances family. it just makes me happy to be around them, and i cant explain how it feels to be aging out with them. its quite a good feeling.
- my ass has now been named "beatrice" by amanda. she said its because its "beautiful and veluptuous". i heart her.
- so for those of you who dont know jon, hes a professor i had in the fall for english. hes only 26, and we kept in touch by email. we started talking on the phone over a month ago and we talk all the time now and have been trying to hang out. we were on the phone for like 3 hours at like 2am last night, or morning. we're going to try to hang out in boston tomorrow. i dont know whats going on with all of it, but its just awesome. im not expecting anything, hes just an amazing person and totally hilarious and i think hanging out will be hysterical. i like him, hes fun. so we'll see what happens. im totally content with where i am at life at this point so im ok if nothing happens. im not gonna worry about it.
ok yeah i dunno what else has happened, im sure many things. basically i jsut sleep, go to work, and come home and be lazy. and practice on the weekends. im trying to move all the shit out of my room so that i can get my rug out of there and a new floor put in. thatll be happeneing sometime soon, then maybe i can live in a neat room again. maybe. ok im gonna try to clean and go to bed, hopefully tomorrow will be a fun day :). ill try to update better. shame on me.