Title: Control (prompt #88) Rating: R Pairing: Five/Jack Summary: Jack is a man who is used to having control. There is only one person who can take it from him. Length: 300 words Table: here
And I think that Jack being a strong, leader-type is really why I ship him with the Doctor. If Jack didn't have a certain charismatic power of his own, it would be a very one-sided relationship.
And I think that Jack being a strong, leader-type is really why I ship him with the Doctor. If Jack didn't have a certain charismatic power of his own, it would be a very one-sided relationship.
Absolutely. Jack and the Doctor are, if not equals, then about the nearest thing each of them can get to one. That's what makes them so fascinating together, and work so well together.
I love this fic so much. The style - the echoing of "This is" at the start of each paragraph - is great.
And I always adore Jack on his knees to the Doctor. Very, very hot.
Comments 17
oooh, perfect description of Jack!!! And great drabble!
And I think that Jack being a strong, leader-type is really why I ship him with the Doctor. If Jack didn't have a certain charismatic power of his own, it would be a very one-sided relationship.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
Absolutely. Jack and the Doctor are, if not equals, then about the nearest thing each of them can get to one. That's what makes them so fascinating together, and work so well together.
I love this fic so much. The style - the echoing of "This is" at the start of each paragraph - is great.
And I always adore Jack on his knees to the Doctor. Very, very hot.
Very powerful and hot.
I like it.
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