Emily Dickinson
How the old Mountains drip with Sunset
How the Hemlocks burn -
How the Dun Brake is draped in Cinder
By the Wizard Sun -
How the old Steeples hand the Scarlet
Till the Ball is full -
Have I the lip of the Flamingo
That I dare to tell?
Then, how the Fire ebbs like Billows -
Touching all the Grass
With a departing - Sapphire - feature -
As a Duchess passed -
How a small Dusk crawls on the Village
Till the House blot
And the odd Flambeau, no men carry
Glimmer on the Street -
How it is Night - in Nest and Kennel -
And where was the Wood -
Just a Dome of Abyss is Bowing
Into Solitude -
These are the Visions flitted Guido -
Titian - never told -
Domenichino dropped his pencil -
Paralyzed, with Gold -
http://www.veroese.bloodstar.org/ )