As big a fan of google... and google translate... that I am, it surprises me I haven't noticed these before.
In addition to 90 odd "authentic" languages that Googles can search and display results in... there are several more interesting language variants available.
Bork, Bork, Bork! (swedish chef google)Pig LatinElmer FuddKlingon Oddly... these are OLD... they don't work if you follow the google links (after the first page they revert to your default languages)... it was easy enough to fix them in my links above, so they continue to function...
I haven't figured out how to make the translator use these languages, its function has changed a lot and it doesn't recognize these by default... but it CAN translate them, I've forced a couple things through that have shown me that... just a matter of time, I'll get it... then you can read my leet page in