Out of respect of the passing of Ex-Govenronr Ann Richards of Texas, Guantanamo will bring the flags to half-mast and observe an hour of silent torturing.
Some how I just can't seem to bring myself to give damn about what happens to those folks in Guantanamo. Guess that makes me a bad person but I can live with it. Before you think I'm some kinda right wing religious freek that hates gays, please note that almost one third of my close friends are gay or bi and I'm openly Pagan. I'm also against anybody who supports wiping all infidels off the face of this earth. Seeing how gays and the rest of us infidels are on those guys hit list the thought of killing them (or torturing them) all before they kill us sounds prudent. Just my 2 cents worth.
Comments 4
They closed the detention center there. You read the news?
Davercles Poking the Monkey
I didn't know who that lady you mentioned was!
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