Today was fun.
I felt like I was five again today. I went w/my friend, her 5 y/o cousin, her sister, and her sister's friend to the park by Hot Licks. They have a merry-go-round type thing. I have not been on a merry-go-round since I was five or six. My brother Matt would spin it SO hard that I couldn't se what was going on. But he would ALWAYS make sure I wouldn't fall off. So I grudgingly spun the merry-go-round. After a little while, a small girl (around six) was persistent to push. So I helped her, and soon others started to get off. (wimps) So I took a break and sat on it. I started to kinda push, and before I knew it I was having FUN. I haven't had actual fun since....well, for a really long time. I felt so happy, and it was strange that something that trivial could make me happy...
Sorry, that was sort of ranty and rantlike...Still, I'm happy....
but then I got an e-mail that reminded me of my grandfather. So I started thinking of my past. I don't like my past much. I realized this...hmmm...I have thinking to do now.