this week was AWESOME!!!!

Apr 23, 2005 23:36

ok. so lets start with monday and tuesday. regular days, except on monday the wrsetling coach asked me to come to the offseason practice, just cause i told a friend i was interested. both days after school i worked on a motor with my stepdad. wensday, also known as 4/20, i got to go to a SOLD OUT green day concert. my friend josh had an extra ticket, and his dad gave us a ride to and from and it was friggin sweet!!!! i mean u guys have no clue. thursday i got my haircut, and got a tux top. then fri. was prom. it started out slow cause i went with an ex-gf, who was really annoying, but i said id take her as a friend. mis-take. never say that. so it started bad, but she went off and did her own thing, and here freaky cool thing. (devin youll love this.) this girl walks up that i know from my math class, whose name is leda. shes 18, a sophmore, born in russia, short, speaks russian, and is funny and kind of has a dark sense of humor. ring any bells to neone in florida? neways she walks ups to me, and asks me to slowdance, and then fastdance, then "fun"dance. prom became much better. and when they announced prom queen, i yelled "josh cogan" whose a friend of mine, and a few p-eople applaused. and all was awesome. then today i went to a widespread panic concert, a hippie band that is really cool, with my stepmom, aunt, and a friend of hers, and pretty much had an awesome night. so think you god, for the awesome week. leave your commments, my love to all.
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