
Feb 27, 2010 01:06

I don't know how many people on my flist are Canadian or have been paying attention the 2010 Vancouver Olympics but I am obsessed. This years Olympics have been electric not only for my country but for the world. I've cried several times watching the games and the bravery of all the athletes, and I never cry. I don't know what it is but it's amazing to see Canada and the world united for the common goal of peace and international athleticism. I'm so proud of all the athletes, Canadian and otherwise. This last two weeks has been amazing and it's sad that it is ending.

Women's hockety team boozing it up on the ice in celebration of their gold medal, keeping it classy ;)

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir celebrate their gold in ice dance, youtube their performance it gave me the shivers.

olympics, real life

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