1. Yesterday was a strange, but good day. I got an incredibly positive response from an editor at a literary journal--she may want to publish a story of mine in the summer, if it's not accepted elsewhere first. I think she still needs to show it to other staff members before a final decision is made, but even if they don't accept it, I now have a place where I can more than likely get published, and I have a relationship with the editor (cursory as it is). The submission was simultaneous, so I think part of her "I'd like to consider it further but please keep subbing to other pubs" response was because of that. The strangest part about that was I submitted the story at about 8 a.m. (right after sunrise) and I heard back from her around noon. That NEVER happens with lit mags. My magic worked.
The other strange thing was that I won this kind of stupid/weird Twitter competition and can now have a press release about anything I want sent to 3,000 media contacts. This is a potentially awesome opportunity as long as I don't make myself look like a dick--which shouldn't be a problem if I can get the serialized metafiction novel up and going on my new blog soon and then make the release about that. A website is probably a good idea as well, and I've been meaning to make one. I'm not really looking forward to paying for it, but it's really probably worth it, and I don't need anything intense.
2. I need to make holiday pumpkin roll for the following peoples (after Xmas, because I've been really busy):
- Work (2.5 rolls b/c I'm giving them all half rolls)
- Bryan
- Julian
- Luke
- Jonathan
- Mallory
- Some extra 'cuz I'm sure I forgot people
3. I need to send Yule/Solstice/Thank you/Happy New Year cards out to people
- Family (parents, grandma/bob, gram)
- Amanda
- Ele
- Melissa
- Chelsea
- D.J.'s parents
4. I started a blog about metafiction and other meta-things. As a part of that, I'm going to look at writing about writing and also start a serialized metafictional novel, hopefully with my dogs as human characters (but we'll see). The link is this:
http://narrativeintheblog.wordpress.com. I also made a new Twitter account with my full name, so find me! If you blog about any sort of writing or literary topics, let's link to each other--leave me a comment. Also, if you have a favorite metafictional novel, tv show or anything else, please suggest it to me. I'm not stressed for ideas at all yet, but I love metafiction and so would love to read and then blog about your favorites. Or maybe you'd want to be a guest writer. I'm cool with that too.
5. D.J. Swank is the best boyfriend ever.
6. New Year's Resolution #1 is in effect. I will be reading two books for each one that I want to buy. Right now the only things I want to buy are some Star Wars novels I'm behind in and The Graveyard Book. Still, I better get my butt moving.