i need direction to perfection

Dec 16, 2009 11:13

D.J. and I had a conversation last night about our "goals" and how each of us is flailing about not achieving them. Like, I try to do too many things that I think will help me out in some way and don't leave any time to write, and he feels like he has to do everything else before he can start writing (vacuuming, dishes, etc.) and then neither of us ever gets any writing done. So, I think he is making a writing schedule for himself, and I am now going to make a list of all my obligations and come up with some way to either organize them so I have writing time, or eliminate some entirely so that I don't get stressed out about any obligations I have.

Obligations (in order of importance):
[Key: W=writing, V=volunteer position, P=paid position]
  1. Writing/Revision (current project: BPhil thesis revision), 7 hours per week* (W)
  2. The Northside Chronicle, M-F, 9-4:30 (P, W)
  3. The Narrative in the Blog, once per week, estimated 5 hours per week in reading/writing/editing/posting time** (W)
  4. Stem Cell Research Center Website, as needed, estimated 2 hours per month on a busy month (P)
  5. Casa Azul America Website, as needed, estimated 2 hours per week in design through January 2010 (V)
  6. Carnegie Library - Allegheny, W, 4-5 (V)
  7. JrockRevolution.com, as needed, estimated 1/2 hour per week (V, W)
*D.J. and I are starting a revision plan/schedule January 1 where I'll be doing 7 hours per week and he'll be doing 10. Before January, I'm going to submit the two short stories from my BPhil thesis that I've already revised in hopes of getting published before I (hopefully) start grad school.

**I'm going to be starting a new blog on metafiction and other meta-things this Sunday. I absolutely adore metafiction and while I don't necessarily write metafiction on a regular basis, meta speaks to a lot of the same craft concerns that I think about and write about, so not only do I get to think critically about texts once a week (yay!) but it will definitely help out my creative writing.

So, with all these things added up, it's about 51 hours per week in things that I should/need to do. There are 168 hours in a week, and I sleep for about 56 hours, so that leaves me 61 hours of free time. In theory, then, I should be able to do all of these things WITHOUT stress if I just come up with times for each obligation (google calendar here I come!) and make sure I exercise discipline (the hard part).

When I start grad school, though, I'll probably ditch the bottom three things since, let's be honest, JrockRevolution.com is not going to do wonders for my writing career and while I love volunteering, I want to focus on school full-time.

dj, writing, life, the northside chronicle

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