
Aug 05, 2009 13:24

I finally have my corgi Lexi with me in my house! She seems quite happy so far since she is getting a ton of one-on-one affection and lots of walks. =D If you want to come visit us just let me know, we'd be happy to have you! The neighborhood also seems to like her. Every time we go out someone asks me what kind of dog she is and someone else tells me how pretty she is. Lexi is such a happy dog and she's so retardedly adorable that she always makes me smile. She sleeps on my couch and looks sinfully comfortable.  DJ Swank also seems to be rather fond of her, so that's good.

My friend Aubrey got married over the weekend, and the ceremony and reception were really lovely.  Her and her now husband looked insanely in love and everyone had a lot of fun.  It made me happy.  I also got to catch up with an old classmate from my heinous Baptist middle school, which was nice but also freaky.  My classmate, who is also Aubrey's cousin, Jeff, went to Bob Jones University.  Look it up if you don't know what that means.  But he still seems like a cool enough kid and it was fun talking to him and filling each other in on the past decade of our lives.  I probably wouldn't hang out with him because of the BJU/witch thing, but I'll probably add him as a friend on Facebook.

And of course, the wedding got me thinking about weddings, and love, and all that stuff, haha.  If anything, it's affirmed my feelings of NOT wanting to get hitched any time soon.  But I do like thinking about my potential/eventual/possible wedding ceremony and how non-traditional it will be.  Choosing a maid of honor would be too hard, so I think I've already decided I won't do that.  I'd like attendents (who wouldn't?!) but I think they'll line up alphabetically or in a circle or something non-hierarchical.

And still on the topic of weddings, my brother's very-distant-future wedding to his girlfriend Megan came up at family dinner.  This was the conversation:
Me to Megan: Am I going to be in your wedding party?
Megan: Probably.
Me to Kyle: Oh my god, Kyle, can I be your best man?
Whole family: *cracks up*
Megan to Kyle: I told you she was going to ask like four years ago!
My dad to me: I saw that coming ten miles away.
Kyle to me: Maybe.  We'll see.
Whole family: *still laughing hysterically*

It is moments like this that make me realize how lucky I really am and how wonderful my family is.  I hate living so far away from them, but I love Pittsburgh.  Of course, Coatesville will always be home, and I think that as time goes on I will experience stronger and stronger urges to return.  I see all this great community work going on in Pittsburgh, and I want to take that and go make a difference in Coatesville.  I don't know how yet, but I'll find a way, eventually.

Okay that's enough nostalgia and touchy-feely nonsense for one entry.  I'm supposed to be writing an article, but the editor stepped out so I slacked off.  It's just too cloudy and bleh out to be productive.  I'd rather curl up with a book and a corgi and then take a nap.  =D

family, corgi, life

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