(no subject)

May 03, 2005 12:16

I'm becoming a very big boy lately. This isn't any fun at all. Last week this lady came with these scary buzzy things and they took away my whiskers and part of my mane! It was very scary.
Then Robyn came and she took these big metal things and I had to hold my feet up and she clipped part of my foot off! That was totally unacceptable, so I reared a bunch, but she wouldn't let me run away or put my foot down. Mean people suck.

But the FUN part about being a grownup is COWS! Now that I can run without bucking and the metal things on Robyn's feet don't bug me anymore, they bring out all these cows and me and Page and Elmer get to chase them. It is so cool! They run away from me, and if they don't I get to bite their butts or backs until they do. I love it. It makes me feel all manly.

And they've been feeding us this intriguing stuff -- I think the word is "alfalfa" -- and it's very green and tasty and it makes me feel like wheeeee! I like food almost more than anything. Not cows, though.
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