realityshifted Permission Meme (revised)

Oct 20, 2010 19:38

★ First Impressions

☆ VISUAL: Meet Irene Adler. Sometimes she'll be dressed in pretty frilly things like this, and sometimes she'll be just kickin' back in something like this (minus the firearm, usually.).   I'll specify if it's the latter, so if nothing is said, assumed she's dressed like your average Victorian woman.
☆ AURAL:  Irene has a lower voice, very rich and precise due to her career in singing.  She speaks with a clearly American accent but some words may have an English lilt to them, implying she has lived in England for a notable amount of time.  She is a contralto, and if she sings, she will sound like a classically trained expert with a fierce command of her voice. 
☆ OLFACTORY: Irene is pretty average smelling; clothing and air and perhaps the slight touch of perfume, but nothing notable.
☆ DEMEANOUR: Prim without being prudish, Irene definitely has the expected traits of a Victorian woman.  However, in her presence, there is an unmistakable air of command and self-assurance that comes with a powerful force, for she is hardly the meek personality that is often associated with women of the era.

★ IC Permissions

☆ PHYSICAL AFFECTION: Chances are she would frown upon any act of affection in public, although nothing over the top would be fine.  If your character tries to hug her or kiss her, depending on the circumstance, they may either find it accepted or they may get a slap in the face.
☆ PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: Small things like grabbing her arm harshly or slapping her are probably fine, depending on the situation.  However, anything that may cause substantial or long lasting damage should be discussed OCCly with me first!  And be forewarned that she would strike back.
☆ RELATIONSHIPS: Tricky for Irene.  Check out her app for more details.  Let's just say she's not adverse to them but she's wary.  On the subject of Holmes: I do play her with a certain affection and draw to him, but they are not an OTP so it probably won't have much bearing on any other relationships.
☆ PSYCHIC & PSIONIC INFORMATION: Normal human, so read her mind all you want.
☆ MEDICAL INFORMATION: Nothing notable.
☆ OFFENSIVE SUBJECTS & TRIGGERS: She'll not react well to misogyny, but what gal does?  Also if you mention Bohemia she'll probably glare at ya.

★ OOC Permissions

☆ THREADHOPPING:Sure! Unless it looks really personal or something, then you may want to ask. :)
☆ FOURTHWALLING: Considering Irene's canon position, I'll say yes to this. However, be prepared for her thinking your character's a real jackass for saying so.
☆ DO NOT WANT: Eh, just ask if it's anything kinda dodgy.
☆ ANYTHING ELSE? If you or your character are familiar with the character, you may want to take a peek at the history section of her app here, because her history differs a bit from movies/spin-offs/etc.

permission meme, -comm: realityshifted

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