Irene Adler's Infrequently Asked Questions

Dec 28, 2009 20:40

Welcome to the IFQ (Infrequently Asked Questions) for this role play journal.

It's an IFQ because most people don't usually ask me these questions. But I like to pretend they did!

General Info

Who is this Irene person?

Irene Adler is featured in the story 'A Scandal in Bohemia,' chronicled in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

Who is the girl in the icons?

The PB here is the actress who portrayed Irene Adler in the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes, Rachel McAdams

Where can I find more about the series?

Here is the Wikipedia article on Holmes, or you can read Irene's short story here.

RPing Info

Where is Irene played?

Irene's home game is crowdedhour. She also pops up now and again in sixwordstories.

Do you have 'verses for Irene?

At this moment, there are two. The first one being her "original" canon, which I have embellished, and you can read more in detail here. Her second 'verse encompasses her experiences at crowdedhour.

How do you play Irene?

Once again, the best answer to this can be found at

!infrequently asked questions

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