
Jul 11, 2011 18:30

[a very unhappy-looking, androgynous young man stares at the cottage before him with a fair amount of suspicion]

This... isn't right. [not just being away from the petshop, but being here to begin with. None of the doors lead to this place as far as he knows. What could take him away like this?]

((Just doing some testing~ Lemme know if I'm ( Read more... )

bagheera, d, baloo, yuuko, suigintou, nuka

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Comments 77

mercury_wings July 12 2011, 00:00:15 UTC
No, it's not. [the voice is low but lilting; behind D is what appears to be a doll, a little under two feet tall. She's poised on a fence post, balanced with her hands under her arms]


dealerofdreams July 12 2011, 00:09:08 UTC
[D turns his head at the voice, somewhat surprised to find that it comes from a doll of all things. But then, it isn't too uncommon for an object to develop a soul of its own] Were you spirited away here as well? This doesn't seem like the sort a place a beautiful doll like yourself would come to by choice. [she does look rather expensive. A bit off, somehow, but definitely expensive]


mercury_wings July 12 2011, 00:11:23 UTC
Spirited away...? [she echoes him softly, as if talking to herself; she narrows her pink eyes at him, wings rustling] Then this isn't your world? You have not brought me here?


dealerofdreams July 12 2011, 00:20:28 UTC
As nice as it is to be away from the city, I had no intention of coming here. I have a petshop I must return to.


baggyeyed July 12 2011, 01:34:47 UTC
I'm afraid you'll find a lot about this place like that.


dealerofdreams July 12 2011, 01:54:01 UTC
Oh? What do you mean? Do you--[he turns and] Oh, my! You are quite the handsome panther, aren't you? [who shouldn't be here, like, at all, but...]


baggyeyed July 12 2011, 02:08:04 UTC
Why thank you. Though I can't say I'm any judge of your species to return the compliment.


dealerofdreams July 12 2011, 02:15:58 UTC
You're too kind. I only wish I could find some way to get you home. This is hardly a place for you...


hatestermites July 12 2011, 02:15:06 UTC
[Comes in, looking unamused.]

Tch, tell me about it. Best thing they got here to eat are some antelope things.


dealerofdreams July 12 2011, 02:18:00 UTC
I imagine it must be hard to stay here without your natural prey.

Those antelopes are likely deer, by the way.


hatestermites July 12 2011, 02:24:15 UTC
You got that right, a bunch of unnatural prey is everywhere. I can't make out a lick of what's what, or who's who anymore!

[Sits down, giving a sigh.]

Hm, is that what they're called? Well they still taste good, so I guess that's alright with me.


dealerofdreams July 12 2011, 02:37:28 UTC
As long as you have no complaints... You wouldn't happen to know what it is that brought us here, would you? Or where I might find the residents of this home?


mistress_yuuko July 12 2011, 04:57:22 UTC
It depends on what you mean by not right. Are you sure you were not meant to come here?

[Yuuko is lounging outside, fanning herself and apparently has two snow cones just sitting next to her. They aren't melting so she must have just gotten them...but how she knew to serve two is anyone's guess. Also she...isn't wearing much clothing.]


dealerofdreams July 12 2011, 05:11:41 UTC
Are you the one who caused this? [he's a little suspicious, but--oh my god that snowcone looks delicious. No. Keep focused.]


mistress_yuuko July 12 2011, 05:15:15 UTC
Me? Certainly not, it would be impossible to transport so many here against their wills. [she dips a spoon into her snow cone] But if I am going to be here awhile I might as well enjoy myself.


dealerofdreams July 12 2011, 05:20:03 UTC
[sigh] So many... Another question left unanswered. But until they are, there is nothing to be done. [he eyes that snow cone again] Forgive me if I'm imposing, but might I have that other snow cone? I would hate for it to go to waste.


cowardly_hero July 12 2011, 22:59:33 UTC
I know. The furniture is tacky and the panelling? Please, it ain't the sixty's no more. Time to get with the times.


dealerofdreams July 13 2011, 21:06:39 UTC
[if there was anything he would expect to come from a meerkat, it sure wouldn't be that]

Really? And where did you learn decorating?


cowardly_hero July 13 2011, 21:43:25 UTC
When you've been around humans as long as I have you pick up a few things. Not entirely useful things, but what would you expect?


dealerofdreams July 13 2011, 23:15:29 UTC
I see. That explains it. What would you prefer to see inside?


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