So the 14th was Vicky
bladingbimbo's birthday.
I took her present to school with me, which proved to be extremely difficult with my huge bag, folder, lunch and magazine as well. Just so you know I got her a top saying on it, ‘Carbs are sooo last year,’ since it reminded me of Mean Girls and with both love that film. I also got her a little makeup bag and also a swirly lollipop.
Second lesson I had a French Oral lesson with Celine in which we played this game where you have different categories, then you spin the wheel to pick a letter and then have to write down something beginning with that letter for each category. Foster beat me though, by cheating I may add.
Lunch time there was some bitching which you can read all about on my other journal
expo_in_tokyo69 under the title ‘The Feud Continues Part II’.
Mackie’s lesson I got told off, for no apparent reason. I went to the classroom, waited outside for 10 minutes with Alex and still no one had turned up at all. So we went back to the common room, only to be confronted five minutes later by Mackie pointing at his watching and asking me what I was doing. I didn’t bother to point out the fact that he was already 15 minutes late for the lesson because otherwise the arrogant bastard would just tell me as ever that, ‘I don’t think you’re in any position to criticise my teaching methods.’ When if you actually think about it, who better to criticise your teaching that you actually students? The equivalent of your customers, come on Mackie you teach Business studies you tard?!
That afternoon/evening I spend at Vicky’s house for her birthday. I arrived first and spoke briefly to Christina about university and work stuff until Vicky, Jo Bryant and Hayley arrived.
We then went over to Amanda and Steve’s, Vicky’s neighbours who are really cool. They have a son called Jamie and that day he’d passed his driving test, I couldn’t believe how much he’d grown since I’d last seen him and is now a ‘wigga’ through and through. Amanda and Steve then offered us some drinks in the bar and Vicky did some karaoke.
(Jamie's look, apart from this guy needs to have more of an American rapper vibe.)
After that we went to have our dinner. Vicky’s mum had made cheese, asparagus and tomato pasta and vegetables, then for dessert we had fruit flan. I had some Archers Aqua with my meal but drank in strict moderation because I didn’t want to later throw up on the trampoline. On the other hand Hayley had drunk like two glasses of red wine and two archers aqua by this point, I think she may have had another one before she got on the trampoline too.
A few moment later Mark
thecrazedmoose arrived on the scene and we all went on the trampoline to the sounds of N.E.R.D. I love trampolining, it’s so much fun, but scary as hell when there’s five of us on it. I’m always the one that end up flying nearly over the edge, but understandably Hayley was the one who spent most of her time falling over and taking people down with her one after the other. At the very end I did a seat drop rally with Vicky and we did 103.
We then decided to watch Freaky Friday. I love the Chinese restaurant lady who used to play the part of the school dean in The O.C. Some of her funniest moments are when she keeps trying to convince Jaime Lee Curtis’ character to hire her to cater her wedding and so she keeps pointing at her own nose and going, ‘Ooooookkkkkay. Howboutido?’ Then the funniest part of the whole movie at the very end, when Grandpa and Harry are about to open their fortune cookies, she Chinese lady then tackles them to the floor and picks up one cookie in each hand, then in self congratulation nods her head and looks at both of them in turn going, ‘Ooookkkkkay!’
We then cut Vicky’s birthday cake and Mark made more of a knob that I did that morning when I was pointing at people and shouting out the word ‘Straight.’ What happened was Christina was asking how bigger piece of cake Mark wanted, so he said, ‘A manly sized portion,’ but instead of stopping there he elaborated a little too far and added, ‘Big and black, just like how Vicky likes her men.’ He clearly hadn’t thought the whole thing through, that big and black could mean a person’s physical appearance as he’d intended it to mean but also the description of male genitalia. I don’t think Vicky’s mum picked up on it but the rest of us were sniggering like hell.
Dad picked me up at 11.30 and we dropped Mark and Jo off home.