I don't have time to write a full one and feel I won't for a while.
Draper was on form in our lesson today.
We asked him how he was and he replied with, 'I'm okay I suppose.' Then we all blurted out, 'Oh no did you and Tina split up?!' A wild guess but we were indeed correct and then Hannah went on to say, 'It was Vietnam wasn't it?' Again, it was a lucky guess and she was correct. Although Draper seemed to think we were psychic or something because of this.
I asked him if anything exciting happened to him over the holidays. Then he said, 'nothing I can say infront of you.' Serena and I were discusted by this comment and so he started to talk about other things that happened.
First off he got his gas bill and it was £90 which is way higher than he expected but being an idiot just sent the check off to the company. He then goes down to his cellar to investigate the meter, to find they'd taken the reading in comparison to what it was in February, so he'd paid about 9 months gas all in one shot, however he's only lived there for a few months. So he got on the phone to them and then as he was explaining to us what happened decided he'd try and use a really thick accent for the person who he spoke to. It was very funny! Serena and I were laughing heavily!
He then was talking about his phone company and that they phoned him up because they had a very unusual call from his number and was going to knock up a massive bill. So the phone call was for 1 hour 30 minutes and was going to cost him £90, the reason being that it was a call to somewhere called Tuvalu or something, apparently it's near Papau New Guinea. It sounds the most random place. So again Draper investiagted the situation and thinks it's something to do with his internet dial up. Some hacker or something connected his computer to some strange isolated island. Yet again, Serena and I were in absolute hysterics and I was starting to feel laughing pains.
He went on to how he had an incident in town yesterday. His exact words were, 'Well I was just walking along, then this chav, this lowlife came out from the middle of where and started confronting me. So I was just standing there and went to him, 'What exactly are you achieving here?' I've no idea what exactly happened he was very vague but it was extremely funny. By this point I had severe laughing pains, in my facial muscles, my stomach muscles and my temples.
I love the way the most random things happen to Draper, they're just so out of the ordinary. He's the best story teller when he's telling you about situations he's come across because nothing he does makes logical sense. He's such a weirdo, but a hilarious one at that!
P.S. Went to Milton Keynes with Fiona today. Bought some stuff, inculding her birthday present.
Tomorrow I'm due to hand in Rigby's holiday work, Reese's subjunctive work, Draper's Papel De La Mujer work, Baps' El Nino work and Inman's Global Futures first draft....... all of which I have not started and are already extremely late.
Fiona's birthday tomorrow, going for a pizza express meal with a people from school, people are going to town afterwards but it's not the best idea for me because I'm so behind on work. I may stick around for one drink though.
Friday I have a driving lesson with Colin 7.00-8.00pm, only problem is Bedford Rugby Fireworks start at 8.00 and have been encouraged to go along by Aaron Fisher, Ben West, Pete, Vicky and Fiona may be going too. So may have to shift the lesson forward a bit and then meet up with the various groups of people. The thing is none of the people encouraging me to go are part of the same friendship groups, so I don't know who to be going with.