Okay so beforehand the old computer wouldn't let me open the pages to edit my entries or to change my customisations. I assumed it was a problem with Internet Explorer, so downloaded Avant Browser to use instead, but I still can't get on to the pages and even worse, the layout of the whole LJ site is old and weird, nothing is in a logical place and the whole thing is just black and white writing with a few blue links scattered across the page.
I've set myself a new photobucket account, but in the process had to set up a new hotmail address to register because thewizardofoz87@hotmail.com already had an account. So I have two emails now, incase you're interested.
Oh yeah, and Happy Haloween.
Take the quiz:
"What Kind of Soul Do You Retain?"
Somewhere, early on, you lost a sense of your soul. Even reading this, you may not understand. You lost a very precious part of you and silently, it yearns to be back with you.
Take the quiz:
"What type of attitude problem do you have? (pics)"
Your Funny
You mean to make the people around you laugh, you probably dont even mean what you say. But if it gets a reaction then you'll say it. Here's a comment for you to try...
Take the quiz:
"What would be your French name?"
you are a french sexbomb
Take the quiz:
Your beautiful and kind. You go about your life with grace and try to help all with your elven like powers. You feel close to people and can be close to them when they are not with you...and with such a pure heart life should turn out well for you.
Take the quiz:
"What is your ideal job?"
Your ideal job would be to work for yourself! You probably love money. But, being a buisness is one of the most dodgy careers. You may go bankrupt, or you may get unbelivably rich! You either have 'it' or not..
Take the quiz:
"Which American City Are You?"
New York
You're competative, you like to take it straight to the fight. You gotta have it all or die trying.
Take the quiz:
"French Quiz"
Vous etes hyper-chouettes.
Wow you know your French! Or maybe you were cheating. Ca m'est egal! You are an awesome French speaker! Let's go to France together OK? Ok I'll see you there.
Take the quiz:
"What is your political orientation?"
You're a republican! You might get along with the radical conservatives but they might get on your nerves pretty quickly. You respect the power of the people and you tend to dislike government programs. Democrats look to the long-term while you're concerned with what's happening now.
(I guess I'm on Bush's side then!)
Take the quiz:
"Which famous dictator are you?"
George Bush
You're Dubya! You're a dictatorial freak and you hate when people question you. You often get flustered and can't handle yourself when contradicted. Your brain isn't too big but your administration tends to control you anyway, so your IQ usually isn't a problem for you, except when making speeches. You like to manipulate the public and scare them into doing things they normally wouldn't. You like war and killing. Any excuse you can find to make war is a good one in your eyes. You push your religion on others and use it as a tool of manipulation. People don't like you, unless they're brainwashed. You pretend to love democracy. Sicko.
(Wow. Looks like I really am on Bush's side!)
Take the quiz:
"Which designer are you?"
Ralph Lauren
You're neat and well-raised. You are sporty but in a stylish way. You are totally Ralph Lauren!
Take the quiz:
"Which astrological sign are you bound to?"
Gemini (May 21st through June 21st) Ruling planet: Mercury... Nature: Positive & masculine... Keywords: Communicate & adaptable... Symbol: The Twins... Main positive traits: Versatile, adaptable, inquisitive, intelligent, quick to learn... Main negative traits: Superficial, short attention span, restless, nervous, nervous, lacks concentration, conniving.
Take the quiz:
"Which Shakespeare play are you?"
Your play is Othello. A play about pain, persuation, and revenge.