May 23, 2003 15:22
Name: roberto carlos ainslie, II
Sex: male
Age: 22
Screen Name: piracylives
Birthday: 9/16/80
Place of Birth: austin, texas
Siblings: gabriella marisa ainslie, 20.
Pets: the biggest cat ever to live, sneaky, who lives with my folks.
Height: 5'fuck you"
Hair Color: brown
Hair Color of Choice: brown
Eye Color: blue
Eye Color of Choice: blue but i am not picky, just make your eyes bright and we're cool
Writing Hand: right fisted
Current Residence: austin, texas
Nervous Habits: toe-tapping, biting the inside of my lip, talking or, alternately, not talking at all.
Do you bite your nails? nah
Are you double jointed? nah.
Can you roll your tongue? hai.
Can you raise one eyebrow? not without abnormal strain.
Can you blow spit bubbles? nah.
Can you flare your nostrils? hai.
Can you cross your eyes? hai.
Tattoos? three.
Piercings and where? my ears are pierced.
Do you make your bed daily? no way.
What goes on first, bra or underwear? those both come off, thanks.
Which shoe goes on first? doesn't matter.
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? had one thrown at me.
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? it varies a lot.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? my pinky rings, my other ring
What's sexiest on a girl? thighs, eyes, hips.
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great? I'd like to be late and look really trashy.
Favorite Piece of Clothing: boots.
Pajamas: boxers
Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it? wind it.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? mint chocolate chip(especially from baskin robbins)
How many cereals in your cabinet? the only cereal that matters: cocoa crispies.
What's your favorite beverage? coffee and water
What's your favorite restaurant? i don't know. wink and starlite are really good.
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? i use the utensils of never eating that nasty shit.
Do you cook? yes.
How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day.
How often do you shower/bathe? once a day.
How long does your shower last? 5-10 minutes.
you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yeah when i was 15.
Do you paint your nails? nah.
Do you swear? a lot.
Do you ever spit? a lot.
Actor/Actress: i don't know.
Animal: cats, dogs, horses.
Food: chinese, chicken strips, japanese.
Month: april(or whenever it feels most like spring) and october(or whenever it feels most like fall)
Day: thursday
Cartoon: spirited away(miyazaki)
Flower: i don't know.
Shoe Brand: tony lama, nike, luchese
Subject in school: history, physics
Color: gray
Person to talk to: ben, wes, gabe.
Person to tell secrets to: ben, wes, gabe.
Sport: college football by far. however, i fucking love sports of all kinds. playoff basketball is amazing, college hoops are also great. i can still sit through a baseball game on tv. nfl's ok, but i usually don't care unless you have a u.t. player on your team. boxing is fucking sick. best show on tv is pardon the interruption. let's talk about sports all the time. please.
Body part on/in you: roman nose, hands.
Body part on the opposite sex: thighs, lips.
TV show: pardon the interruption, sportscenter, six feet under, the sopranos, friday night fights on hbo, cartoons.
Movie: spirited away, the thin red line, cq, princess mononoke, the croupier, sexy beast, the lord of the rings series, i love movies.
Holiday: halloween.
Book: anything by murakami haruki, anything by cormack mccarthy, on a winter's night a traveler by italo calvino
Thing to do in Spring: sit about and talk with friends over a cup of coffee
Thing To Do In The Summer: sit about and talk with friends over a cup of coffee, swim.
Thing To Do In The Fall: sit about and talk with friends over a cup of coffee, i love going to shows in the fall.
Thing To Do In The Winter: hide.
Perfume or Cologne: fine by me i guess.
TV Station: espn, espn2, fox sports southwest, mtv, cartoon network
The CD Player: the haunted, pretty girls make graves, the blood brothers, broken spindles, the black crowes.
Ever taken a cab? not in austin.
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? on occasion.
What color is your bedroom? blah colored.
Do you use an alarm clock? hai.
Name one thing you are obsessed with: la virgen de guadalupe.
Window seat or aisle? window.
What's your sleeping position? start on my side, end up on my stomach. or else like i am in a coffin: on my back, hands crossed over my chest and legs crossed at the ankles.
What kind of bed do you like? relatively large, heavy blankets, one other person.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? hell yeah.
Do you snore? a little.
Do you sleepwalk? nah.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? nah.
How about with the light on? total darkness, thanks.
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? fan or white noise but no tvs or radios.
Coke or Pepsi? i hate carbonated beverages.
Oranges or apples? green apples, way sour.
One pillow or two? one
Deaf or blind? blind.
Pools or hot tubs? i like it hot.
Blondes or brunettes? brunettes
Tall or short? doesn't matter as long as you have nice thighs and a pretty face.
TV or radio? music over tv, but tv over the normal radio shit.
Tic-Tacs or Certs? certs.
Snooze button or jump out of bed? snooze then bolt.
Sunrise or Sunset? both.
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? hamburger with bacon. fuck cheese.
Morning or night? night
Sports or news? need you even ask? but news is really important, you just don't need to get it off the tv.
Indoors or outdoors? outdoors.
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? christmas season.
Cake or ice cream? ice cream but i like them both so . . . shit, my mom makes a mean birthday cake and i'd take that over ice cream any day.
Spicy or Mild? i am so fucking bland.
Spearmint or Peppermint? wintergreen.
Call or Write? i would love to think that i'd say write, but i usually call. writing on real paper is dead and it's sad.
Peanut Butter or Jelly? why would you ever split these two up? i guess p.b. if i had to have one. oh, and the jelly better be grape.
Hamburger or Hot Dog? hot dog because i eat them less often.
Dog or Cat? either/or
Bath or shower? shower
Book or Movie? book. . .but look. . .ok. . these questions are starting to piss me off. i love both movies and books. i read every single day and find myself fulfilled more often by reading than by movies, but i probably rent a couple movies a week one way or another and i love them too. stop this fucking line of questioning, it's driving me crazy. seriously.
Green or Red? red
Rain or Snow? i hate you.
Nike or Adidas? nike
Took a shower? when you woke up.
Watched Bambi: it's been a long time.
Talked on the phone? a couple hours ago.
Punched someone? when that guy touched audrey at le priv. that was a while ago, and i didn't really even punch him because he was drunk, i just pushed him over.
Where do you see yourself in ten years? i don't know.
Who are you going to be married to? someone great.
How many kids? two: girl first then boy a couple years later.
Your profession: fuck you.
Future School: maybe some graduate school in the future, more of the school of hard knocks for sure.
Car of Your Dreams: give me a toyota tundra or a tahoe, please.
I wanna live: lots of places.
whoa, long. whoa, you already knew all that. i love ya'll.
take care,
roberto carlos, II