finding out music gabe told was good is really fucking good.

Apr 29, 2003 16:34

gabe(my sister for those of you who don't know) has accused me of being closed minded when it comes to music that she brings to my attention. and who'd a thought. . . she's fucking right. it's too bad, i've probably missed out on countless good recrods because of some bullshit older brother syndrome. no good. the upside is that she's still in cuba and so she'll never read this and so i can excersize a bit of my guilt and never have to tell her. great.

had a fucking great time at spider house yesterday, all day, with a good friend. ate some guero's with jenny which was great as always, and doubly so this time because we managed to procure a table outside on an evening when the temperature was perfect for eating tacos outdoors. went home and spent too long watching espn. oh wait. . .that's fucking impossible since sports are basically the only thing i love with true abandon. way late, i had some coffee with a new/good friend and then watched the first half of monster's inc. which i had heard amazing things about but never seen. it's good and i am looking forward to catching the last half.

i've been eating nothing but cocoa crispies for days. i think.

love ya'll.
take care,
roberto carlos.
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