the only people who name their children "june" are native americans from the rez

Jun 24, 2007 16:27

krishna came into town for a medical conference earlier this week and is spending the weekend at my place. meeting someone you've known online for over seven years for the first time is an interesting experience. his personality is pretty much as i expected but his mannerisms, facial expressions, and body language are entirely new and unfamiliar. so it's been different, but we've been having fun and it hasn't been particularly awkward. it's also pride this weekend so we've gone out to boystown a few times. today he made me the most delicious curd rice with green mango and we ate it with my grandma's gongura pickle. mmm, that's real comfort food.

my time in chicago is rapidly coming to a close. i'll be leaving for minnesota in the first week of july. and of course, i would realize, now of all times, that chicago actually can be a charming place. i've realized that i have grown attached to this place, somehow, and that i will actually miss some things about it. ah well, now it won't be as painful if i decide to apply for the phd program and move back.

random notes from the last week:

-i bought a pair of gold rimmed aviator sunglasses from urban outfitters. i love them so much, even though i feel very generic hipster when i wear them.
-sometimes ira looks unbearably beautiful, especially when he lets down his hair and gets that disenchanted look.
-people at work have decided that my aura is 'sandy brown edged with brilliant gold' and that it is filled with the roar of the ocean.
-my mysterious illness has finally dissipated.
-i learned how to make gujarati style sabji and creamed spinach from lynna.
-many of my friends seem to have become "aspirational" over night. as in, they talk about joining society clubs, consciously projecting "success," and regularly differentiate between people in terms of their educational and cultural background. i'm not really sure how to react to this. for now, i am just ignoring it.
-i found an amazing new bar that has free ping pong and plays prince.
-climbing trees is really fun.
-i only hate 90% of the people i meet now, rather than 95%. i am slowly becoming a better person. or, maybe it's just all that june sunlight getting to my head.
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