Apr 19, 2004 22:42
ok...lala-la-la...sry. i'm tired. my dogs won't shut up. the train is going by...it reminds of the 20's when trains would go by and shake those shacks that the poor people live in...cuz it makes my computer shake...lol..considering i live a whole....500 yards from a train track. lol. i'm sooo tired. lack of sleep--no sleeping in all weekend. i need to catch up. i'm talking to the one and only Brandy...aka: pigmy. haha. oh yea..guess what i found..a websters dictionary that was printed in 1931 and a kinda...bible/proverbs/motivational book printed in 1892! wow. pretty cool lookin..oh well. i'm soo bored..and tired. so i think i'm gonna go to bed. even thought i was gonna go to bed at 10..tiffany decides to call me to let me listen to her neighbors do karoke. so now i have horrible voiced songs in my head. ok...night people..God bless and i love you..persons.