
Sep 16, 2005 03:20

Post this in your livejournal and tag 5 of your LJ friends to post it in theirs.

Sometimes we like music just because it sounds good to us and other times that music goes beyond that and forms an emotional bond with us when special memories become attached to it.

List your 5 favorite albums that you like because they "sound cool"

1. Chavez-Gone Glimmering
2. My Bloody Valentine-Loveless
3. Sonic Youth-Sister
4. Radiohead-Kid A
5. Beatles-Revolver

List the 5 albums you like the most because you have formed a strong emotional bond with the music:

1. Smashing Pumpkins-Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
2. any Chopin
3. Nick Drake-Pink Moon
4. Chavez-Gone Glimmering
5. Radiohead- Ok Computer

I tag:

Brad Krohe
Andy Gorrell
Steven Findley
Ann Denton
Dan Cramer
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