just truckin along

Dec 16, 2002 00:46

so there's not too much to say right now. i'm on the verge of finishing the first half of my last undergrad year. things are looking according to plan so i'm happy about that. one more final and it's over for a month and a half.

arnis is picking up slowly but surely. we took a look at a source for uniforms and other misc. equipment and it looks like things with them could work out well for us. it's all about who you know.

i always like this time of the year ya know. the main reason is cause my dad and the band he's in, they always do a lot of caroling and singing for masses etc. i love listening to them sing man, it's so moving. i grew up on their sound so it's really refreshing and nostalgic. i'm positive that that's where i got my love of music from. it's just amazing. i'm trying to get all of my friends to go and listen to them perform at a mass. they're the kind of singers that will make you cry whether or not you understand the language they're singing in. it's like their voices carry so much emotion that you understand what it's all about even though you don't know the words. i wish they had made a cd becaue people offered to record them and things like that. but they didn't want to get into stuff like that. they were requested to play in Spain, at Lourdes, all these places man, they're that good. i'm so proud when i hear them too and when people come up to them after their performance. they're always so moved. i wish i could put a clip of them online, maybe i'll sneak in a recording at one of their practices hahaha. just tonight they sang carols at one person's house and raised 800 dollars. i don't know what charity their money is going to this year, but that's a good haul for one night you know. amazing.

well, i'm gonna do a little arnis practice now, i'll catch up with you all later. good luck to everyone taking finals, and screw everyone who's already done :P
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