Aug 11, 2005 05:31
Hey sports fans, this is Eric again. I find myself awake at 5 in the morning again and it is no mistake as to why I am awake. Something has got to give and I have to figure things out. I do have a plan as to what I need to do but it will take some time, but then again if there is anything that one should be patient about it would be something like this. I sit and ponder sometimes about things that have happened to me in my life and I sit and think that I have been blaming everyone else for the things that have happened in my life. As I stated in my last entry I am the master of my own destiny and as such I am the only one that can determine what is right for me in the long run. It has been two weeks since Candy and I split and I don't think I am getting any better about the arrangement because we don't even talk anymore. She was such a large part of my life and I woke up to her so many times that it just doesn't seem fair for things to end like this. Tana has been about the only one that has actually stopped to think about my feelings and some things that people may or may not have been told might not be true. I am not sure where I am going with this post but since going back to work I am feeling more like myself than I have in a long time. I sent out my applications last night and I am positive that I will be gone in December and things that might transpire before then may come as a surprise to some people. It will be interesting to see how things progress over the next few months. If Candy reads this, which I don't think she will since she hasn't let me be her friend on the journal, I want you to know that you should at least talk to me because you were the one that decided to be friends and if I am going to do that then I think I deserve a chance to be a true friend. Well I guess I am going to go, I know there are things on your journal that you might not wnat me to see, but you need to know that I really don't care about anything that has happened in the past few weeks, if you want to be friends then we will, but like I said you need to give me a fair chance to be a friend. After all I still owe you a badger. I will talk to everyone later and I hope things go good for everyone today. I myself have to work. Peace out.